Zoe here! Mom has been fighting a nasty flu-bug for a week, so when I asked her what the topic of today's post was, she said I was in charge of it this week! I get to talk about whatever I want!! Therefore, today's topic is leopard-print fashion. Everybody at my house appreciates a nice leopard print! Here I am modeling a lovely leopard collar Mom bought for my "brother," Xander, years ago in Dewey Beach, Delaware. In April, Xander came with Mom to pick me up in North Carolina, and she took the leopard collar right off of Xander and onto me since it was adjustable to a perfect fit. Mom keeps saying she needs to get a replacement for Xander, but for now he runs around mostly naked (weirdo!)
Mom really likes to dress like me because she likes my style! She's pretty proud of her leopard print shoes, and I think they're snazzy! I think you'll either love them or hate them. When she came home with them as a new purchase, Dad asked, "Are you going to wear those in public?" What does he know anyway!?! Here she is posing for pals on a recent trip to Vermont, where she met the infamous Nigel Buggers! I'm not too happy that she didn't take me to meet Nigel too, but she claims that she had to fly on a big bird in the sky and I wouldn't have liked that at all. Pffftt!!.
Since we're on the topic of stylish leopard prints, I have to introduce you to my BFF, Miss Sasha from Ohio. We love hanging out together at the mall, listening to tunes on our iPawds, and going on adventures with other doggie pals. Sasha's Momster recently bought her a lovely leopard Snuggie!! I think you'll agree that Sasha is one of the purdiest girls you've ever seen. (Thanks for being my super-stylish BFF and participating in today's bloggie, Sasha!)
When I saw Miss Sasha's leopard Snuggie, I went bonkers, and immediately began a quest to get my very own leopard couture. The Snuggies were all sold out in my size, and just when I began a hunger strike, and was about to sink into a deep despair, Mom came through for me and found a bee-you-tea-full fleece vest at MotleyMutt.com!!
My "sister," Roxie, is a rather warm-natured greyhound, so despite having a few coats in her closet, she rarely wears one. The other day, Mom was hanging a coat in the closet when some leopard print fleece caught her eye on the top shelf. It was Roxie's long-lost, and nearly forgotten leopard coat, which was purchased years ago. We knew this was an excellent opportunity to do some modeling. Roxie's has a hoodie like Sasha's!
Roxie was happy when the photo shoot was over. She much prefers to go au naturale!
I hope you've enjoyed today's fashion show. 'Tis the season to be pulling out the cold-weather gear. Why not add some flair to your wardrobe with a touch of animal print? We're also very fond of zebra! Make sure you mark your calendars for November 18th. We're participating in the Holiday Hop for Pets Giveaway, and one of our lucky readers will win a pawsome prize!!
Happy weekend to all. See you on the Blog Hop!