
Saturday, October 16, 2010

Roanoke's Newest Fire Dog

Last weekend, we drove through a nearby neighborhood, and as we passed Fire Station No. 7, I noticed the largest fire-house dog I've ever seen:

Fire Station No. 7, Roanoke, Virginia

Upon doing a little research, I learned that the dog, called "Trojan Dog," is one of six public sculptures that were unveiled as part of "A.I.R.:  Art in Roanoke" this summer.  All of the sculptures are large-scale, but Trojan Dog has been one of the most popular.  He was crafted by local artist, Ann Glover, of marine plywood and paint, and bears the spots of a Dalmation in typical fire dog style.

Incidentally, on Sept. 3, an over-enthusiastic admirer (Not me!) attempted to "ride" Trojan Dog, causing its head to fall off.  The firemen rescued Trojan Dog, and Glover promptly mended the damage.  (Trojan Dog only complained of a nasty headache for a day or two.) 

In an effort to show Trojan Dog's scale a little better, Roxie and I decided to pose for a photo with him.  Roxie was a little intimidated by his girth, but was properly rewarded with treats for her efforts.  One thing's for sure, driving past Trojan Dog will put a smile on your face.

I know some of my close friends will appreciate a few fashion "statements" I'm making.  Here's a photo just for them:

So long, and have a rockin' weekend!!  Woof!

Please join us in hopping from blog to blog this fine Saturday!


  1. Wow, that's a great sculpture! How fitting for a firehouse.
    (Hu-mom loves the shoes)

    Drools and licks,
    Minnie and Mack

  2. Aaaaaaaaaaaah! It's the shoes! Oh, Mom has got to get some of those!

    We live in a different Roanoke and we don't have anything nearly that cool here! That totally rocks!


    P.S. You really do rock those shoes, Miss Kristin!

  3. That's a BIG DOGGIE!

    I'd hate to get in his way when he has to pee ;) Great to have around when there's a fire though eh?

    Wishin y'all a fab weekend too :)

  4. That IS a big doggeh! Good thing he's got manners and isn't jumping on you - unlike some who's Big Brown name will go unmentioned.

    I gotta get me one of those sweatshirts-OH, that's right, I already did!

    Happy Weekend to you and yours!
    meesh ;0-)

  5. What a cool firehouse dog!!!!!!!

    Thank you for dropping by our blog today......we like doggies and look forward to getting to know y'all.

    Have a beautiful day. :)

  6. That's a really neat dog. It makes me smile just looking at a picture. I'm sure in person he's really impressive.

  7. I can't get past the incredibly hip sweatshirt....

  8. Hi! I followed you back! Had a wonderful day! Love the picture of y'all with the Firehouse Dog! I love keepin' up with all your great photos and adventures!
    Y'all come back now!
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  9. miss kristin,
    trojan doggie totally rocks!! i wish we had a cool sculpture like that in my town, but i bet i'd be a little scaredy pants at first, too. heehee.

    the booker man

    pee s -- your shoesies are way fab!

  10. You have beautiful dogs. Thanx for visiting me and my blog. The woman likes the shoes. Firehouses rock! xoxo

  11. Thanks for stopping by my blog - nice to meet you. You know, I ran faster than a whippet once when I was young. The whippet's dad was not amused, BOL! And that is the biggest fire house dog I have ever seen.

  12. We love it !
    We'll ask Dad if he can build one like that to put in our backyard !
    Love from Ollie and Bella.


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